Need assistance paying your heating or electric bill?
If you have questions regarding the program and eligibility guidelines, please visit Three Rivers Community Action or call 507-316-0610 or 1-800-277-8418, ext. 154.
Cold Weather Rule (October 1 – April 30) Fillable application
Visit to see a list of the services and support that are provided.
If you are in need of assistance and live in Rochester, please call 507-216-7370 (Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri from 10-am-3pm).
Services for Individuals & Families | Olmsted County, MN
One application can connect you with a variety of programs in Olmsted County (507-328-6400). Apply online MN Benefits
- Food Assistance
- Emergency Assistance
- Cash Programs
- Housing Support
- Child Care Assistance
Do you have veterans status?
MN Department of Veterans Affairs
Are you an active duty soldier or sailor or reservist?
Military OneSource
Are you an older adult?
Senior Linkage Line
Are you someone with the disability that needs support?
Disability Hub MN